(Long post) Metaphone Algorithm In AWK
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Mike Sanders
2024-08-17 14:18:58 UTC
Hi folks, hope you all are doing well.

Please excuse long post, wanted to share this, some might find
it handy given a certain context. Must run, I'm very behind in
my work (hey I'm always running behind!)

# metaphone.awk: Michael Sanders - 2024
# example invocation:
# echo "texas taxes taxi" | awk -f metaphone.awk -v find=texas
# notes:
# ever notice when you search for (say):
# 'i went to the zu'
# & your chosen search engine suggests something like:
# 'did you mean i went to the zoo'
# the metaphone algorithm handles such cases pretty well actually...
# Metaphone is a phonetic algorithm, published by Lawrence Philips in
# 1990, for indexing words by their English pronunciation. It
# fundamentally improves on the Soundex algorithm by using information
# about variations and inconsistencies in English spelling and
# pronunciation to produce a more accurate encoding, which does a
# better job of matching words and names which sound similar.
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metaphone
# english only (sorry)
# not extensively tested, nevertheless a solid start, if you
# improve this code please share your results
# other implentations...
# gist: https://gist.github.com/Rostepher/b688f709587ac145a0b3
# BASIC: http://aspell.net/metaphone/metaphone.basic
# C: http://aspell.net/metaphone/metaphone-kuhn.txt

# check if a character is a vowel
function isvowel(c, is_vowel) {
is_vowel = c ~ /[AEIOU]/
return is_vowel

# add a character or string to the result array
function phonize(s, result, p_idx, i) {
for (i = 1; i <= length(s); i++) {
result[p_idx++] = substr(s, i, 1)
return p_idx

# compute metaphone code
function metaphone(word, max_phonemes, result, p_idx, w_idx, c) {
w_idx = 1
p_idx = 1
while (w_idx <= length(word) && p_idx <= max_phonemes) {
c = toupper(substr(word, w_idx, 1))

if (c == "B") {
if (w_idx == 1 ||
toupper(substr(word, w_idx - 1, 1)) != "M") {
p_idx = phonize("B", result, p_idx)
} else if (c == "C") {
if (toupper(substr(word, w_idx + 1, 1)) == "I" &&
toupper(substr(word, w_idx + 2, 1)) ~ /[AO]/) {
p_idx = phonize("SH", result, p_idx)
} else if (toupper(substr(word, w_idx + 1, 1)) == "H") {
p_idx = phonize("X", result, p_idx)
} else {
p_idx = phonize("K", result, p_idx)
} else if (c == "D") {
if (toupper(substr(word, w_idx + 1, 1)) == "G" &&
toupper(substr(word, w_idx + 2, 1)) ~ /[EIY]/) {
p_idx = phonize("J", result, p_idx)
} else {
p_idx = phonize("T", result, p_idx)
} else if (c == "G") {
if (toupper(substr(word, w_idx + 1, 1)) == "H") {
if (w_idx > 1 &&
toupper(substr(word, w_idx - 1, 1)) !~ /[BDH]/ &&
toupper(substr(word, w_idx - 2, 1)) != "H") {
p_idx = phonize("F", result, p_idx)
} else if (toupper(substr(word, w_idx + 1, 1)) != "N" ||
toupper(substr(word, w_idx + 2, 1)) != "E") {
p_idx = phonize("K", result, p_idx)
} else if (c == "H") {
if (isvowel(toupper(substr(word, w_idx + 1, 1))) &&
toupper(substr(word, w_idx - 1, 1)) !~ /[CGPST]/) {
p_idx = phonize("H", result, p_idx)
} else if (c == "K") {
if (w_idx == 1 ||
toupper(substr(word, w_idx - 1, 1)) != "C") {
p_idx = phonize("K", result, p_idx)
} else if (c == "P") {
if (toupper(substr(word, w_idx + 1, 1)) == "H") {
p_idx = phonize("F", result, p_idx)
} else {
p_idx = phonize("P", result, p_idx)
} else if (c == "Q") {
p_idx = phonize("K", result, p_idx)
} else if (c == "S") {
if (toupper(substr(word, w_idx + 1, 1)) == "H") {
p_idx = phonize("SH", result, p_idx)
} else if (toupper(substr(word, w_idx + 1, 1)) == "C" &&
toupper(substr(word, w_idx + 2, 1)) == "H") {
p_idx = phonize("X", result, p_idx)
w_idx += 2
} else {
p_idx = phonize("S", result, p_idx)
} else if (c == "T") {
if (toupper(substr(word, w_idx + 1, 1)) == "I" &&
toupper(substr(word, w_idx + 2, 1)) ~ /[AO]/) {
p_idx = phonize("SH", result, p_idx)
} else if (toupper(substr(word, w_idx + 1, 1)) == "H") {
p_idx = phonize("TH", result, p_idx)
} else if (toupper(substr(word, w_idx + 1, 1)) != "C" ||
toupper(substr(word, w_idx + 2, 1)) != "H") {
p_idx = phonize("T", result, p_idx)
} else if (c == "V") {
p_idx = phonize("F", result, p_idx)
} else if (c == "W" || c == "Y") {
if (isvowel(toupper(substr(word, w_idx + 1, 1)))) {
p_idx = phonize(c, result, p_idx)
} else if (c == "X") {
p_idx = phonize("KS", result, p_idx)
} else if (c == "Z") {
p_idx = phonize("S", result, p_idx)


if (p_idx > max_phonemes) p_idx = max_phonemes

return substr(combine(result), 1, p_idx)

# combine array into a string
function combine(array, result, i) {
result = ""
for (i in array) {
result = result array[i]
return result

# store metaphone code for "find" variable
find_code = metaphone(find, 4)

# loop through all fields (words) in the input line
for (x = 1; x <= NF; x++) {
# compute metaphone code for the current word
word_code = metaphone($x, 4)
# check if metaphone code of the current word matches
if (word_code == find_code) {
print $x # print matching word

# eof
Mike Sanders
Ben Bacarisse
2024-08-18 23:46:46 UTC
Post by Mike Sanders
Hi folks, hope you all are doing well.
Please excuse long post, wanted to share this, some might find
it handy given a certain context. Must run, I'm very behind in
my work (hey I'm always running behind!)
Using a word list, I found some odd matches. For example:

$ echo "drunkeness indigestion" | awk -f metaphone.awk -v find=texas

Are these really metaphone matches for "texas"? It's possible (I don't
know the algorithm at all well) but I found it surprising.
Post by Mike Sanders
# metaphone.awk: Michael Sanders - 2024
# echo "texas taxes taxi" | awk -f metaphone.awk -v find=texas
# 'i went to the zu'
# 'did you mean i went to the zoo'
# the metaphone algorithm handles such cases pretty well actually...
# Metaphone is a phonetic algorithm, published by Lawrence Philips in
# 1990, for indexing words by their English pronunciation. It
# fundamentally improves on the Soundex algorithm by using information
# about variations and inconsistencies in English spelling and
# pronunciation to produce a more accurate encoding, which does a
# better job of matching words and names which sound similar.
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metaphone
# english only (sorry)
# not extensively tested, nevertheless a solid start, if you
# improve this code please share your results
# other implentations...
# gist: https://gist.github.com/Rostepher/b688f709587ac145a0b3
# BASIC: http://aspell.net/metaphone/metaphone.basic
# C: http://aspell.net/metaphone/metaphone-kuhn.txt
I wanted a "reference" implementation I could try, but this is not a
useful C program. It's in a odd dialect (it uses void but has K&R
function definitions) and has loads of undefined behaviours (strcpy of
overlapping strings, use if uninitialised variables etc).
Post by Mike Sanders
# check if a character is a vowel
function isvowel(c, is_vowel) {
is_vowel = c ~ /[AEIOU]/
return is_vowel
I was not going to comment on the code, but this hit me just before I
posted. Given the odd way AWK functions have to define locals, I tend
to use them only when really needed. Here I think I would just write

function isvowel(c) {
return c ~ /[AEIOU]/
Ben Bacarisse
2024-08-19 01:15:43 UTC
A correction...
Post by Ben Bacarisse
Post by Mike Sanders
Hi folks, hope you all are doing well.
Please excuse long post, wanted to share this, some might find
it handy given a certain context. Must run, I'm very behind in
my work (hey I'm always running behind!)
$ echo "drunkeness indigestion" | awk -f metaphone.awk -v find=texas
Are these really metaphone matches for "texas"? It's possible (I don't
know the algorithm at all well) but I found it surprising.
I got the C code to compile and these should not match if the C code is
working correctly.
Post by Ben Bacarisse
Post by Mike Sanders
# metaphone.awk: Michael Sanders - 2024
# echo "texas taxes taxi" | awk -f metaphone.awk -v find=texas
# 'i went to the zu'
# 'did you mean i went to the zoo'
# the metaphone algorithm handles such cases pretty well actually...
# Metaphone is a phonetic algorithm, published by Lawrence Philips in
# 1990, for indexing words by their English pronunciation. It
# fundamentally improves on the Soundex algorithm by using information
# about variations and inconsistencies in English spelling and
# pronunciation to produce a more accurate encoding, which does a
# better job of matching words and names which sound similar.
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metaphone
# english only (sorry)
# not extensively tested, nevertheless a solid start, if you
# improve this code please share your results
# other implentations...
# gist: https://gist.github.com/Rostepher/b688f709587ac145a0b3
# BASIC: http://aspell.net/metaphone/metaphone.basic
# C: http://aspell.net/metaphone/metaphone-kuhn.txt
I wanted a "reference" implementation I could try, but this is not a
useful C program. It's in a odd dialect (it uses void but has K&R
function definitions) and has loads of undefined behaviours (strcpy of
overlapping strings, use if uninitialised variables etc).
The uninitialised variables were due to an undefined function. Most
likely, that function was intended to initialise the array. I've mocked
up the two undefined functions and can now get the code to run. I don't
see any uninitialised variables being used now. The code still has
undefined behaviour in some cases but I think that is limited to the use
of strcpy.
Mike Sanders
2024-08-19 03:22:40 UTC
Post by Ben Bacarisse
Using a word list, I found some odd matches.
Hey Ben. Probaly a ton of them (see refactored script below...)

Most often used invocation this time around was:

echo "taxes drunkeness indigestion" | awk -f metaphone.awk -v find=texas

Lengthened phoneme count, accounted for doublets like "ness",
added Levenshtein distance & note next url (& its note near
the bottom of the page):


Likely lots left to do. Have at it if you're in the mood,
I'll weave in your & others changes (with credit) & repost
here if & when they appear.

Will catch up soon & have fun =)

# Metaphone Algorithm in AWK v2: Michael Sanders - 2024

BEGIN { find_code = metaphone(find, 10) }

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# entry point...
for (x = 1; x <= NF; x++) {
if (similarity(metaphone($x, 10), find_code) >= 80)
print find " : " $x

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# check if character is a vowel
function isvowel(c, is_vowel) { return c ~ /[AEIOU]/ }

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# combine array into a string
function combine(array, result, i) {
for (i in array) { result = result array[i] }

return result

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# add a character or string to the result array
function phonize(s, result, p_idx, i) {
for (i = 1; i <= length(s); i++) {
result[p_idx++] = substr(s, i, 1)
return p_idx

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# compute metaphone code
function metaphone(word, max_phonemes, result,
p_idx, w_idx, c, next_c, last_c) {
w_idx = 1
p_idx = 1

while (w_idx <= length(word) && p_idx <= max_phonemes) {
c = toupper(substr(word, w_idx, 1))
next_c = toupper(substr(word, w_idx + 1, 1))

# skip duplicate letters
if (c == last_c) {

if (c == "B") {
if (w_idx == 1 ||
toupper(substr(word, w_idx - 1, 1)) != "M") {
p_idx = phonize("B", result, p_idx)
} else if (c == "C") {
if (next_c == "I" &&
toupper(substr(word, w_idx + 2, 1)) ~ /[AO]/) {
p_idx = phonize("SH", result, p_idx)
} else if (next_c == "H") {
p_idx = phonize("X", result, p_idx)
} else {
p_idx = phonize("K", result, p_idx)
} else if (c == "D") {
if (next_c == "G" &&
toupper(substr(word, w_idx + 2, 1)) ~ /[EIY]/) {
p_idx = phonize("J", result, p_idx)
} else {
p_idx = phonize("T", result, p_idx)
} else if (c == "G") {
if (next_c == "I" &&
toupper(substr(word, w_idx + 2, 1)) ~ /[EOY]/) {
p_idx = phonize("J", result, p_idx)
} else if (next_c == "H" &&
!(w_idx > 1 &&
toupper(substr(word, w_idx - 1, 1)) ~ /[BDH]/)) {
p_idx = phonize("F", result, p_idx)
} else if (next_c != "N" ||
toupper(substr(word, w_idx + 2, 1)) != "E") {
p_idx = phonize("K", result, p_idx)
} else if (c == "H") {
if (isvowel(next_c) &&
toupper(substr(word, w_idx - 1, 1)) !~ /[CGPST]/) {
p_idx = phonize("H", result, p_idx)
} else if (c == "K") {
if (w_idx == 1 ||
toupper(substr(word, w_idx - 1, 1)) != "C") {
p_idx = phonize("K", result, p_idx)
} else if (c == "N") {
p_idx = phonize("N", result, p_idx)
} else if (c == "P") {
if (next_c == "H") {
p_idx = phonize("F", result, p_idx)
} else {
p_idx = phonize("P", result, p_idx)
} else if (c == "Q") {
p_idx = phonize("K", result, p_idx)
} else if (c == "R") {
p_idx = phonize("R", result, p_idx)
} else if (c == "S") {
if (next_c == "H") {
p_idx = phonize("SH", result, p_idx)
} else if (next_c == "C" &&
toupper(substr(word, w_idx + 2, 1)) == "H") {
p_idx = phonize("X", result, p_idx)
w_idx += 2
} else {
p_idx = phonize("S", result, p_idx)
} else if (c == "T") {
if (next_c == "I" &&
toupper(substr(word, w_idx + 2, 1)) ~ /[AO]/) {
p_idx = phonize("X", result, p_idx)
} else if (next_c == "H") {
p_idx = phonize("0", result, p_idx)
} else if (next_c != "C" ||
toupper(substr(word, w_idx + 2, 1)) != "H") {
p_idx = phonize("T", result, p_idx)
} else if (c == "V") {
p_idx = phonize("F", result, p_idx)
} else if (c == "W" || c == "Y") {
if (isvowel(next_c)) {
p_idx = phonize(c, result, p_idx)
} else if (c == "X") {
p_idx = phonize("KS", result, p_idx)
} else if (c == "Z") {
p_idx = phonize("S", result, p_idx)

last_c = c # Track last character processed

if (p_idx > max_phonemes) p_idx = max_phonemes

return substr(combine(result), 1, p_idx)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# calculate levenshtein distance between 2 words
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenshtein_distance
# https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Levenshtein_distance#AWK

function levenshtein(s1, s2, l1, l2, cost, i, j, dist) {
l1 = length(s1)
l2 = length(s2)

# initialize distance array
for (i = 0; i <= l1; i++) dist[i, 0] = i
for (j = 0; j <= l2; j++) dist[0, j] = j

# compute distance
for (i = 1; i <= l1; i++) {
for (j = 1; j <= l2; j++) {
cost = (substr(s1, i, 1) ==
substr(s2, j, 1)) ? 0 : 1
dist[i, j] = min3(dist[i-1, j] + 1, # deletion
dist[i, j-1] + 1, # insertion
dist[i-1, j-1] + cost) # substitution

return dist[l1, l2]

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# minimum of 3 numbers (levenshtein helper function)
function min3(a, b, c) {
return (a < b ? (a < c ? a : c) : (b < c ? b : c))

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# calculate similarity as a percentage
function similarity(word1, word2, lev_dist, max_len) {
lev_dist = levenshtein(word1, word2)
max_len = (length(word1) >
length(word2)) ?
length(word1) :

if (max_len == 0) return 100 # both strings empty

return (1 - lev_dist / max_len) * 100

# eof
Mike Sanders
Mike Sanders
2024-08-19 04:34:26 UTC
Post by Mike Sanders
# Metaphone Algorithm in AWK v2: Michael Sanders - 2024
Post by Mike Sanders
# entry point...
for (x = 1; x <= NF; x++) {
if (similarity(metaphone($x, 10), find_code) >= 80)
print find " : " $x
# entry point...
# match is considered true when:
# similarity is at least 80%
# distance is 3 or less
# phonetic encoding is equal
# https://tilores.io/metaphone-phonetic-algorithm-online-tool

for (x = 1; x <= NF; x++) {
word_code = metaphone($x, 10)
dist = levenshtein($x, find)
psim = similarity($x, find)
if (psim >= 80 && dist <= 3 && word_code == find_code)
print find " : " $x
Mike Sanders
Mike Sanders
2024-08-20 05:45:33 UTC
Post by Ben Bacarisse
$ echo "drunkeness indigestion" | awk -f metaphone.awk -v find=texas
Are these really metaphone matches for "texas"? It's possible (I don't
know the algorithm at all well) but I found it surprising.
Ben, give this try when you can. Finally starting to wrap my mind around
its usage a little more...

# Metaphone Algorithm In AWK v3: Michael Sanders - 2024
# tighter, cleaner, better
# example invocation: awk -f metephone.awk -v find=cork < words.txt

BEGIN { find_code = metaphone(find) }

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# emit metaphone codes only
# { for (x = 1; x <= NF; x++) print $x " : " metaphone($x) }

# tweek levenshtein distance to open/constrain results...

for (x = 1; x <= NF; x++)
if (metaphone($x) == find_code && levenshtein($x, find) <= 2)
print $x " : " find


# -----------------------------------------------------------------

function isvowel(char) { return char ~ /[AEIOU]/ }

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

function metaphone(word, m, c, next_c, len, i) {
word = toupper(word)
gsub(/[^A-Z]/, "", word) # strip non-alphabetic characters
len = length(word)

# handle initial letters
if (substr(word, 1, 2) ~ /^(KN|GN|PN|WR|PS)/) {
word = substr(word, 2)

for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
c = substr(word, i, 1)
next_c = (i < len) ? substr(word, i + 1, 1) : ""

# skip duplicate letters except for 'C'
if (i > 1 && c == substr(word, i - 1, 1) && c != "C") continue

# handle vowels: retain only if it's 1st letter
if (isvowel(c)) {
if (i == 1) m = m c
# consonants
else if (c == "B") {
if (!(i == len && substr(word, i - 1, 1) == "M")) m = m "B"
else if (c == "C") {
if (substr(word, i, 2) == "CH") {
m = m "X"
} else if (substr(word, i, 2) ~ /^(CI|CE|CY)/) {
m = m "S"
} else {
m = m "K"
else if (c == "D") {
if (substr(word, i, 2) == "DG" && substr(word, i + 2, 1) ~ /[IEY]/) {
m = m "J"
i += 2
} else {
m = m "T"
else if (c == "G") {
if (substr(word, i, 2) == "GH" && (i == 1 || !isvowel(substr(word, i - 1, 1)))) {
} else if (substr(word, i, 2) == "GN" || (i == len && c == "G")) {
} else if (substr(word, i, 3) ~ /^(GIA|GIE|GEY)/) {
m = m "J"
} else {
m = m "K"
else if (c == "H") {
if (i == 1 || substr(word, i - 1, 1) !~ /[CSPTG]/) {
if (i < len && !isvowel(next_c)) {
m = m "H"
else if (c == "K") {
if (i == 1 || substr(word, i - 1, 1) != "C") m = m "K"
else if (c == "P") {
if (substr(word, i, 2) == "PH") {
m = m "F"
} else {
m = m "P"
else if (c == "Q") {
m = m "K"
else if (c == "S") {
if (substr(word, i, 2) == "SH") {
m = m "X"
} else if (substr(word, i, 3) == "TIA" || substr(word, i, 3) == "TIO") {
m = m "X"
i += 2
} else {
m = m "S"
else if (c == "T") {
if (substr(word, i, 2) == "TH") {
m = m "T"
} else if (substr(word, i, 3) == "TIA" || substr(word, i, 3) == "TIO") {
m = m "X"
i += 2
} else {
m = m "T"
else if (c == "V") {
m = m "F"
else if (c == "W" || c == "Y") {
if (i < len && isvowel(next_c)) m = m c
else if (c == "X") {
m = m "KS"
else if (c == "Z") {
m = m "S"
# ensure 'M', 'N', and 'L' are always retained
else if (c == "M" || c == "N" || c == "L") {
m = m c

return m

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

function levenshtein(word1, word2, l1, l2, cst, i, j, diz) {
l1 = length(word1)
l2 = length(word2)

# initialize distance array
for (i = 0; i <= l1; i++) diz[i, 0] = i
for (j = 0; j <= l2; j++) diz[0, j] = j

# compute distance
for (i = 1; i <= l1; i++) {
for (j = 1; j <= l2; j++) {
cst = (substr(word1, i, 1) == substr(word2, j, 1)) ? 0 : 1
diz[i, j] = (diz[i-1, j] + 1 < diz[i, j-1] + 1) ? \
(diz[i-1, j] + 1 < diz[i-1, j-1] + cst ? \
diz[i-1, j] + 1 : diz[i-1, j-1] + cst) : \
(diz[i, j-1] + 1 < diz[i-1, j-1] + cst ? \
diz[i, j-1] + 1 : diz[i-1, j-1] + cst)

return diz[l1, l2]

# eof
Mike Sanders
Ben Bacarisse
2024-08-20 23:58:06 UTC
Post by Mike Sanders
Post by Ben Bacarisse
$ echo "drunkeness indigestion" | awk -f metaphone.awk -v find=texas
Are these really metaphone matches for "texas"? It's possible (I don't
know the algorithm at all well) but I found it surprising.
Ben, give this try when you can. Finally starting to wrap my mind around
its usage a little more...
I don't know what your are asking for as this (your latest AWK) is not
just an implementation of the metaphone algorithm. With the extra
Levenshtein test it "texas" matches only a few words.

However, if I remove the extra condition (that levenshtein($x, find) <=
2) your AWK code matches a different set of words to the C
implementation. Looking a bit deeper, your AWK code give the code TKSS
to the word "texas" but the C code assigns is "TKS".
Mike Sanders
2024-08-21 01:07:29 UTC
Post by Ben Bacarisse
I don't know what your are asking for as this (your latest AWK) is not
just an implementation of the metaphone algorithm. With the extra
Levenshtein test it "texas" matches only a few words.
Not seeking/asking for anything Ben, just enjoy the ride =)

As for my Metaphone take... In fact it is. Several Metaphone variants
use Levenshtein & can be any mixture of three types of Metaphone
versions further still, or even a mix. Seems that's the way it is
in the wild...
Post by Ben Bacarisse
However, if I remove the extra condition (that levenshtein($x, find) <=
2) your AWK code matches a different set of words to the C
implementation. Looking a bit deeper, your AWK code give the code TKSS
to the word "texas" but the C code assigns is "TKS".
Just differing metaphone variants, witness...

Texas = Tex[ess] (if phonetically pronounced - almost slurred sounding)

But hey: Many thanks for your input kind sir, I appreciate it.
Mike Sanders
Mike Sanders
2024-08-21 02:50:07 UTC
Post by Mike Sanders
Post by Ben Bacarisse
However, if I remove the extra condition (that levenshtein($x, find) <=
2) your AWK code matches a different set of words to the C
implementation. Looking a bit deeper, your AWK code give the code TKSS
to the word "texas" but the C code assigns is "TKS".
Just differing metaphone variants, witness...
Texas = Tex[ess] (if phonetically pronounced - almost slurred sounding)
See also:

Mike Sanders
Ben Bacarisse
2024-08-21 08:15:45 UTC
Post by Mike Sanders
Post by Ben Bacarisse
I don't know what your are asking for as this (your latest AWK) is not
just an implementation of the metaphone algorithm. With the extra
Levenshtein test it "texas" matches only a few words.
Not seeking/asking for anything Ben, just enjoy the ride =)
As for my Metaphone take... In fact it is. Several Metaphone variants
use Levenshtein & can be any mixture of three types of Metaphone
versions further still, or even a mix. Seems that's the way it is
in the wild...
There are certainly variants (and developments of the original) but I
thought you were implementing the same algorithm as the code you
referenced. Sorry for the confusion.
Mike Sanders
2024-08-21 19:13:59 UTC
Post by Ben Bacarisse
There are certainly variants (and developments of the original) but I
thought you were implementing the same algorithm as the code you
referenced. Sorry for the confusion.
No worries =) Your suspicions are not unfounded: I started
with the same, its just well, terrible IMO, the BASIC is
readable but the more or less the same.

Mainly just wanted the instructions the gist link had.
At this point I've studied PHP, javascript, python, etc.
My AWK implementation is starting to tighten up considerably.

Read/study from those that shared & paying it forward - its all good.
Mike Sanders
Mike Sanders
2024-08-20 11:33:33 UTC
Okay, essentially complete (enough for me at least).

- added sorely needed 'TH' digraph handling

- helper functions refactored

- misc code cleanup

# Metaphone Algorithm In AWK v4: Michael Sanders - 2024
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metaphone
# example invocation: awk -f metaphone.awk -v find=butter < words.txt

BEGIN { find_code = metaphone(find) }

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# emit metaphone codes only
# { for (x = 1; x <= NF; x++) print $x " : " metaphone($x) }

# tweek levenshtein distance to open/constrain results...

for (x = 1; x <= NF; x++)
if (metaphone($x) == find_code && levenshtein($x, find) <= 2)
print $x


# -----------------------------------------------------------------

function metaphone(w, m, c, n, z, i) {
w = toupper(w)
gsub(/[^A-Z]/, "", w) # strip non-alphabetic characters
z = length(w)

# handle initial letters
if (substr(w, 1, 2) ~ /^(KN|GN|PN|WR|PS)/) {
w = substr(w, 2)

for (i = 1; i <= z; i++) {
c = substr(w, i, 1)
n = (i < z) ? substr(w, i + 1, 1) : ""

# skip duplicate letters except for 'C'
if (i > 1 && c == substr(w, i - 1, 1) && c != "C") continue

# handle vowels: retain only if it's 1st letter
if (isvowel(c)) {
if (i == 1) m += c
# consonants
else if (c == "B") {
if (!(i == z && substr(w, i - 1, 1) == "M")) m += "B"
else if (c == "C") {
if (substr(w, i, 2) == "CH") {
m += "X"
} else if (substr(w, i, 2) ~ /^(CI|CE|CY)/) {
m += "S"
} else {
m += "K"
else if (c == "D") {
if (substr(w, i, 2) == "DG" && substr(w, i + 2, 1) ~ /[IEY]/) {
m += "J"
i += 2
} else {
m += "T"
else if (c == "G") {
if (substr(w, i, 2) == "GH" && (i == 1 || !isvowel(substr(w, i - 1, 1)))) {
} else if (substr(w, i, 2) == "GN" || (i == z && c == "G")) {
} else if (substr(w, i, 3) ~ /^(GIA|GIE|GEY)/) {
m += "J"
} else {
m += "K"
else if (c == "H") {
if (i == 1 || substr(w, i - 1, 1) !~ /[CSPTG]/) {
if (i < z && !isvowel(n)) {
m += "H"
else if (c == "K") {
if (i == 1 || substr(w, i - 1, 1) != "C") m += "K"
else if (c == "P") {
if (substr(w, i, 2) == "PH") {
m += "F"
} else {
m += "P"
else if (c == "Q") {
m += "K"
else if (c == "S") {
if (substr(w, i, 2) == "SH") {
m += "X"
} else if (substr(w, i, 3) == "TIA" || substr(w, i, 3) == "TIO") {
m += "X"
i += 2
} else {
m += "S"
else if (c == "T") {
if (substr(w, i, 2) == "TH") {
m += "0" # add '0' for 'TH' digraph to distinguish from regular 'T'
} else if (substr(w, i, 3) == "TIA" || substr(w, i, 3) == "TIO") {
m += "X"
i += 2
} else {
m += "T"
else if (c == "V") {
m += "F"
else if (c == "W" || c == "Y") {
if (i < z && isvowel(n)) m += c
else if (c == "X") {
m += "KS"
else if (c == "Z") {
m += "S"
# ensure 'M', 'N', and 'L' are always retained
else if (c == "M" || c == "N" || c == "L") {
m += c

return m

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

function levenshtein(w1, w2, l1, l2, i, j, cst, diz) {
l1 = length(w1)
l2 = length(w2)

# initialize distance array
for (i = 0; i <= l1; i++) diz[i, 0] = i
for (j = 0; j <= l2; j++) diz[0, j] = j

# compute distance
for (i = 1; i <= l1; i++) {
for (j = 1; j <= l2; j++) {
cst = (substr(w1, i, 1) == substr(w2, j, 1)) ? 0 : 1
diz[i, j] = min3(diz[i-1, j] + 1, # deletion
diz[i, j-1] + 1, # insertion
diz[i-1, j-1] + cst) # substitution

return diz[l1, l2]

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# metaphone helper function
function isvowel(char) { return char ~ /[AEIOU]/ }

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# levenshtein helper function
function min3(a, b, c) {
return (a < b ? (a < c ? a : c) : (b < c ? b : c))

# eof
Mike Sanders
Mike Sanders
2024-08-21 02:42:07 UTC
just in case...

not sure its wise to use 'm += var' with digits:

m += string # valid
m += "7" # may be invalid if its a digit (even if quoted)

replaced all instances of: m += var
with: m = m var

any one know for sure?

# Metaphone Algorithm In AWK v5: Michael Sanders - 2024
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metaphone
# example invocation: awk -f metaphone.awk -v find=butter < words.txt

BEGIN { find_code = metaphone(find) }

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# emit metaphone codes only
# { for (x = 1; x <= NF; x++) { print metaphone($x) }; exit }

# tweek levenshtein distance to open/constrain results...
for (x = 1; x <= NF; x++)
if (metaphone($x) == find_code && levenshtein($x, find) <= 2)
print $x

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

function metaphone(w, m, c, n, z, i) {
# convert the word to uppercase and strip non-alphabetic characters
w = toupper(w)
gsub(/[^A-Z]/, "", w)
z = length(w)

# handle initial letters
if (substr(w, 1, 2) ~ /^(KN|GN|PN|WR|PS)/) {
w = substr(w, 2)

for (i = 1; i <= z; i++) {
c = substr(w, i, 1)
n = (i < z) ? substr(w, i + 1, 1) : ""

# skip duplicate letters except for 'C'
if (i > 1 && c == substr(w, i - 1, 1) && c != "C") continue

# handle vowels: retain only if it's 1st letter
if (isvowel(c)) {
if (i == 1) m = m c
# consonants
else if (c == "B") {
if (!(i == z && substr(w, i - 1, 1) == "M")) m = m "B"
else if (c == "C") {
if (substr(w, i, 2) == "CH") {
m = m "X"
} else if (substr(w, i, 2) ~ /^(CI|CE|CY)/) {
m = m "S"
} else {
m = m "K"
else if (c == "D") {
if (substr(w, i, 2) == "DG" && isvowel(substr(w, i + 2, 1))) {
m = m "J"
i += 2
} else {
m = m "T"
else if (c == "G") {
if (substr(w, i, 2) == "GH" && (i == 1 || !isvowel(substr(w, i - 1, 1)))) {
} else if (substr(w, i, 2) == "GN" || (i == z && c == "G")) {
} else if (substr(w, i, 3) ~ /^(GIA|GIE|GEY)/) {
m = m "J"
} else {
m = m "K"
else if (c == "H") {
if (i == 1 || substr(w, i - 1, 1) !~ /[CSPTG]/) {
if (i < z && !isvowel(n)) {
m = m "H"
else if (c == "K") {
if (i == 1 || substr(w, i - 1, 1) != "C") m = m "K"
else if (c == "P") {
if (substr(w, i, 2) == "PH") {
m = m "F"
} else {
m = m "P"
else if (c == "Q") {
m = m "K"
else if (c == "S") {
if (substr(w, i, 2) == "SH") {
m = m "X"
} else if (substr(w, i, 3) == "TIA" || substr(w, i, 3) == "TIO") {
m = m "X"
i += 2
} else {
m = m "S"
else if (c == "T") {
if (substr(w, i, 2) == "TH") {
m = m "0" # add '0' for 'TH' digraph to distinguish from regular 'T'
} else if (substr(w, i, 3) == "TIA" || substr(w, i, 3) == "TIO") {
m = m "X"
i += 2
} else {
m = m "T"
else if (c == "V") {
m = m "F"
else if (c == "W" || c == "Y") {
if (i < z && isvowel(n)) m = m c
else if (c == "X") {
m = m "KS"
else if (c == "Z") {
m = m "S"
# ensure 'M', 'N', and 'L' are always retained
else if (c == "M" || c == "N" || c == "L") {
m = m c

return m

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

function levenshtein(w1, w2, l1, l2, i, j, cst, diz) {
l1 = length(w1)
l2 = length(w2)

# initialize distance array
for (i = 0; i <= l1; i++) diz[i, 0] = i
for (j = 0; j <= l2; j++) diz[0, j] = j

# compute distance
for (i = 1; i <= l1; i++) {
for (j = 1; j <= l2; j++) {
cst = (substr(w1, i, 1) == substr(w2, j, 1)) ? 0 : 1
diz[i, j] = min3(diz[i-1, j] + 1, # deletion
diz[i, j-1] + 1, # insertion
diz[i-1, j-1] + cst) # substitution

return diz[l1, l2]

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# metaphone helper function
function isvowel(char) { return char ~ /[AEIOU]/ }

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# levenshtein helper function
function min3(a, b, c) { return (a < b ? (a < c ? a : c) : (b < c ? b : c)) }

# eof
Mike Sanders
Kenny McCormack
2024-08-21 03:13:38 UTC
Post by Mike Sanders
just in case...
m += string # valid
m += "7" # may be invalid if its a digit (even if quoted)
In AWK, these are very different things.

+= is always arithmetic; it is not string concatenation at all.
Christianity is not a religion.

- Rick C Hodgin -
Mike Sanders
2024-08-21 05:32:49 UTC
Post by Kenny McCormack
Post by Mike Sanders
just in case...
m += string # valid
m += "7" # may be invalid if its a digit (even if quoted)
In AWK, these are very different things.
+= is always arithmetic; it is not string concatenation at all.
Ahh... Many thanks as always Kenny. When our brains are uploaded
to the great cyborg in the sky in the future, I'll be looking
for a copy of your awk knowledge.

See elsewhere in this group a soon to be posted question titled:

'{} Questions'

Wondering if what I'm thinking is good/bad logic...
Mike Sanders
Mike Sanders
2024-08-21 19:03:53 UTC
Confirmed a suspicion I had: Cosine Similarity is faster
than Levenshtein Distance but my testing is informal at best.

Also a new option that outputs to CSV, screenshot of file
loaded into spreadsheet here:


DEBUG { code } coming too.

Really exited about this project =)
Mike Sanders
Mike Sanders
2024-08-23 06:13:17 UTC
Final iteration (for me). Please post any improvements in this group.

# Metaphone Algorithm in AWK v6: Michael Sanders - 2024
# usage example: echo poluphloisboiotatotic | awk -f metaphone.awk
# see also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metaphone

{ print $0 " : " metaphone($0) }

function isvowel(char) { return char ~ /[AEIOU]/ }

function metaphone(w, m, c, n, z, i) {

w = toupper(w)
# strip non-alphabetic characters
gsub(/[^A-Z]/, "", w)
z = length(w)

# handle initial letters
if (substr(w, 1, 2) ~ /^(KN|GN|PN|WR|PS)/) {
w = substr(w, 2)

for (i = 1; i <= z; i++) {
c = substr(w, i, 1)
n = (i < z) ? substr(w, i + 1, 1) : ""

# skip duplicate letters except for 'C'
if (i > 1 && c == substr(w, i - 1, 1) && c != "C") continue

# handle vowels: retain only if it's the 1st letter
if (isvowel(c)) {
if (i == 1) m = m c
# consonants...
else if (c == "B") {
if (!(i == z && substr(w, i - 1, 1) == "M")) m = m "B"
else if (c == "C") {
if (substr(w, i, 2) == "CH") {
m = m "X"
} else if (substr(w, i, 2) ~ /^(CI|CE|CY)/) {
m = m "S"
} else {
m = m "K"
else if (c == "D") {
if (substr(w, i, 2) == "DG" && isvowel(substr(w, i + 2, 1))) {
m = m "J"
i += 2
} else {
m = m "T"
else if (c == "F") { # Handling for 'F'
m = m "F"
else if (c == "G") {
if (substr(w, i, 2) == "GH" && (i == 1 || !isvowel(substr(w, i - 1, 1)))) {
} else if (substr(w, i, 2) == "GN" || (i == z && c == "G")) {
} else if (substr(w, i, 3) ~ /^(GIA|GIE|GEY)/) {
m = m "J"
} else {
m = m "K"
else if (c == "H") {
if (i == 1 || substr(w, i - 1, 1) !~ /[CSPTG]/) {
if (i < z && !isvowel(n)) {
m = m "H"
else if (c == "K") {
if (i == 1 || substr(w, i - 1, 1) != "C") m = m "K"
else if (c == "P") {
if (substr(w, i, 2) == "PH") {
m = m "F"
} else {
m = m "P"
else if (c == "Q") {
m = m "K"
else if (c == "R") {
if (i == 1 || isvowel(substr(w, i - 1, 1))) {
m = m "R"
else if (c == "S") {
if (substr(w, i, 2) == "SH") {
m = m "X"
} else if (substr(w, i, 3) == "TIA" || substr(w, i, 3) == "TIO") {
m = m "X"
i += 2
} else {
m = m "S"
else if (c == "T") {
if (substr(w, i, 2) == "TH") {
m = m "0" # add '0' for 'TH' digraph to distinguish from regular 'T'
} else if (substr(w, i, 3) == "TIA" || substr(w, i, 3) == "TIO") {
m = m "X"
i += 2
} else {
m = m "T"
else if (c == "V") {
m = m "F"
else if (c == "W" || c == "Y") {
if (i < z && isvowel(n)) m = m c
else if (c == "X") {
m = m "KS"
else if (c == "Z") {
m = m "S"
# handle M, N, L, J, G more generally
else if (c == "M" || c == "N" || c == "L" || c == "J" || c == "G") {
m = m c

return m

# eof
Mike Sanders