Feature which every AWK should have?
(too old to reply)
2024-07-17 11:50:18 UTC
* I think GAWK's -E and MAWK's -We really makes scripts more robust.

* Bit ops (shifts, and/or/xor) as seen in the BSD branch of Onetrueawk.
I do not bite, I just want to play.
Kenny McCormack
2024-07-17 12:13:30 UTC
Post by yeti
* I think GAWK's -E and MAWK's -We really makes scripts more robust.
* Bit ops (shifts, and/or/xor) as seen in the BSD branch of Onetrueawk.
Well, GAWK (*) has both of these, so I'm not sure what the issue is.

As I've mentioned a zillion times, there's really no reason to use any
other flavor of AWK (besides GAWK or TAWK).

(*) And, TAWK, too. At least the bit-twiddling stuff. Not sure about the
-E - since I've never used it.

Note: I just now read the latest "man gawk" to see what "-E" is. I have to
admit, I don't get it. FWIW, when I first read this thread, I assumed -E
was some variation of invoking "lint" (sorta like "strict" in that other
scripting language - the one that rhymes with Earl).
I love the poorly educated.