Preliminary version of new regex matcher for gawk now available
(too old to reply)
Aharon Robbins
2024-07-26 07:31:53 UTC
Hi All.
I've been working with Mike Haertel (the original author of GNU grep)
for a number of months now. He is writing a new regexp matcher for
use in gawk (and other places, as people desire).
[ clipped ]
My system complains about -std=c++20 so I cannot test it. (I think
I'll wait for a native C release.)
That will be a while. It's not hard to build current GCC from scratch
on a Linux system.
Questions, comments, and *bug reports* are welcome.
Well, I skimmed through the txt file on Mike's git page to learn
about the algorithm; especially the algorithm and its complexity
is of interest to me. The document was not quite clear about that
(or at least made me doubt) beyond the general and typical O(N*M)
You can email Mike directly about the technical stuff. It's mostly
beyond me. Or, just open an issue on the GitHub and ask questions there.

I forgot to mention what is likely the most important point about
the new matcher, which is that it is fully POSIX-compliant. The
existing GNU matchers are not, and likely never will be. There's at
least one bug I reported a few years back in the GNU matchers
that MinRX doesn't have, also.

This matcher also has advantages for me as the maintainer.
Algorithm simplicity is nice but as I understand there's not yet
performance comparisons done?
They will be done. By the time MinRX is in gawk for real, it will
be performant, and in C.
Unless it was a deliberate offer to use GNU Awk as a test bed.
And "nearly-feature-complete implementation" (section Features)
is not quite a fruitful marketing concept.
As far as I'm concerned, it is feature complete. However, it
doesn't support POSIX BREs.
I also wonder why BSD and GNU extensions are supported but not
the very useful abbreviations for {some,all} Perl RE shortcuts.
Because they're just window dressing. I have no desire to be
perl compatible. My needs are to be able to do what gawk currently
does, no more.

Aharon (Arnold) Robbins arnold AT skeeve DOT com
Ben Bacarisse
2024-07-26 09:57:43 UTC
Well, I skimmed through the txt file on Mike's git page to learn
about the algorithm; especially the algorithm and its complexity
is of interest to me. The document was not quite clear about that
(or at least made me doubt) beyond the general and typical O(N*M)
characteristics. One thing I was astonished about was why there's
a non-deterministic automaton model used (NFSM can be transformed
into Deterministic FSM); isn't the non-deterministic tree-search
(where every branch is traversed breadth-first) sub-optimal?
The non-deterministic to deterministic transformation yields (at worst)
an exponential number of states. Keeping track of a set of states is
usually the preferred method.
Janis Papanagnou
2024-07-25 12:05:27 UTC
Hi All.
I've been working with Mike Haertel (the original author of GNU grep)
for a number of months now. He is writing a new regexp matcher for
use in gawk (and other places, as people desire).
The matcher is avalable on Github: https://github.com/mikehaertel/minrx.
I have created a branch in the gawk repo that uses it: feature/minrx.
MinRX is currently written in C++20. Mike will eventually rewrite it
in C for portability. For the moment, you'll need to use gcc / g++
to build the branch. I haven't tried to mess with clang / clang++.
The test suite passes completely.
The new matcher is the default, so that it will be exercised. The old
matchers are still available. To use them, set GAWK_GNU_MATCHERS in
the environment. I will NOT make a formal release with MinRX as long
as MinRX is still in C++.
git clone https://git.savannah.gnu.org/r/gawk.git
cd gawk
git checkout feature/minrx
./bootstrap.sh && ./configure && make -j && make check
If you use gawk, please try this branch out.
My system complains about -std=c++20 so I cannot test it. (I think
I'll wait for a native C release.)
Questions, comments, and *bug reports* are welcome.
Well, I skimmed through the txt file on Mike's git page to learn
about the algorithm; especially the algorithm and its complexity
is of interest to me. The document was not quite clear about that
(or at least made me doubt) beyond the general and typical O(N*M)
characteristics. One thing I was astonished about was why there's
a non-deterministic automaton model used (NFSM can be transformed
into Deterministic FSM); isn't the non-deterministic tree-search
(where every branch is traversed breadth-first) sub-optimal? Then
it spoke about a finite number of states, but that is a normal
characteristic for a "Finite SM". I'm also astonished that while
he spoke about back-references (something a bit more exotic in
"RE"s) why he sees problems when applying the ERE based approach
on BRE subset; my grep supports back-references with BRE and ERE.
Not supporting back-references - if that's all he wanted to say -
with his RE algorithm is of course okay (for me, at least, others
might complain).

So, at the moment, that all appears still a bit obscure to me.
But that's just a first impression from an only brief look at it.

So, yet, only questions. (No comments. No bugs.) :-)

But wait! I do have one comment. In Mike's git-page description
he speaks about the goal of this implementation approach. Given
that goal I don't think it's yet a good time to incorporate that
algorithm in GNU Awk; it adds some inherent uncertainty of new
code without providing a gain. Algorithm simplicity is nice but
as I understand there's not yet performance comparisons done?
Unless it was a deliberate offer to use GNU Awk as a test bed.
And "nearly-feature-complete implementation" (section Features)
is not quite a fruitful marketing concept.
I also wonder why BSD and GNU extensions are supported but not
the very useful abbreviations for {some,all} Perl RE shortcuts.

Just my 2 cents.

If performance comparison numbers are available I'm certainly
very interested to hear about them.

Thanks for reading this (unintentionally) longish post.

Kenny McCormack
2024-07-27 16:36:33 UTC
In article <66a350e9$0$706$***@news.sunsite.dk>,
Aharon Robbins <***@skeeve.com> wrote:
Post by Aharon Robbins
My system complains about -std=c++20 so I cannot test it. (I think
I'll wait for a native C release.)
That will be a while. It's not hard to build current GCC from scratch
on a Linux system.
I doubt that. I wouldn't have the first clue about how to do it, and I'm
certainly no Linux newbie.

Maybe it (getting/building GCC) should be part of your "bootstrap" script?

Also, is there an easy way to find out if your current GCC is "good enough" ?

The system I am typing this on says it has GCC 9.4? Will that work?
person woman man camera tv
2024-08-10 13:42:29 UTC
Post by Kenny McCormack
Post by Aharon Robbins
My system complains about -std=c++20 so I cannot test it. (I think
I'll wait for a native C release.)
That will be a while. It's not hard to build current GCC from scratch
on a Linux system.
I doubt that. I wouldn't have the first clue about how to do it, and I'm
certainly no Linux newbie.
Maybe it (getting/building GCC) should be part of your "bootstrap" script?
Also, is there an easy way to find out if your current GCC is "good enough" ?
The system I am typing this on says it has GCC 9.4? Will that work?
from: https://stackoverflow.com/a/68545455/724039
C++20 features are available since GCC 8.

To enable C++20 support, add the command-line parameter


For G++ 9 and earlier use


Or, to enable GNU extensions in addition to C++20 features, add

Kenny McCormack
2024-08-10 13:50:14 UTC
In article <nnd$15de9d74$***@91e4ec1203dca4f9>,
Luuk <***@invalid.lan> wrote:
Post by Luuk
from: https://stackoverflow.com/a/68545455/724039
C++20 features are available since GCC 8.
To enable C++20 support, add the command-line parameter
For G++ 9 and earlier use
Or, to enable GNU extensions in addition to C++20 features, add
Thanks. That was very helpful.
A 70 year old man who watches 6 hours of TV a day, plays a lot of golf
and seems to always be in Florida is a retiree, not a president.