HID: LIST - list array
(too old to reply)
2024-10-17 04:44:41 UTC
@include “github.com/digics/UID10/uid.lib”

LIST = hid::get( “LIST” )

An array (A) in AWK can represent a list of unique items with an undefined order.
To introduce the concept of an array with a defined sequence of its indexes (items),
we need to specify this sequence in a subarray A[LIST] as a simple list.

# items of A: first, next and last:

A[ LIST ][ “” ] = “first”
[ “first” ] = “next”
[ “next” ] = “last”
[ “last” [ = “”
[ “first” ]...
[ “next” ]...
[ “last” ]...

Thus, instead of a for-in loop for array A, we use:

i = “”
while ( “” != i = A[ LIST][ i ] )

# process A[ i ]


for ( i = “”; “” != i = A[ LIST ][ i ]; )

# process A[ i ]

At the same time, we can still work with the main array in a for-in loop — with one caveat:

for ( i in A )
if ( i in HID )
continue # this is hid (LIST)
# process A[ i ]

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Kenny McCormack
2024-10-18 18:04:16 UTC
@include github.com/digics/UID10/uid.lib
Why post it twice, and why all the ^Ss and ^Ts?
When I was growing up we called them "retards", but that's not PC anymore.
Now, we just call them "Trump Voters".

The question is, of course, how much longer it will be until that term is also un-PC.